There are a number of common orthodontic problems. When you visit Kupiec Orthodontics, our orthodontist will carefully evaluate your teeth and jaw to determine your alignment issues, and which treatment option is best for you. To learn more about common orthodontic problems and to request a consultation with Dr. Karson Kupiec, please call our orthodontic office in Imperial, California, today at 760-355-3800.

One of the most common orthodontic problems is overcrowding, which occurs when there is simply not enough room in the mouth for all of the teeth. This can cause the teeth to become twisted or misaligned. Another common problem is an overbite, which occurs when the top teeth protrude further than the bottom teeth. An overbite can be caused by incorrect jaw alignment, thumb sucking or simply genetics. A third common orthodontic problem is an underbite, which is just the opposite of an overbite and occurs when the bottom teeth protrude further than the top teeth. This can also be caused by incorrect jaw alignment, thumb sucking or genetics. Lastly, one of the most frustrating orthodontic problems is gaps in the teeth, which can be caused by a variety of things such as missing teeth, large spaces between the teeth or simply genetics. No matter what the cause, though, gaps in the teeth can be very difficult to fix.

If you are dealing with any of these common orthodontic problems, there is no need to worry! There are many treatment options available that can help to correct these problems and give you the smile you have always wanted. Talk to our orthodontist about which treatment option would be best for you and your specific situation. We are excited to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted while improving your oral health. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.